Monday, April 17, 2017

Weekly Update

1) DATE:


Kalkin Hall

Bari + Tate

5) CAT MEMBER ROLES (W suggests switching these roles for each meeting):

A) FACILITATOR (1 person) - "steers" conversation and runs meeting → Bari
B) NOTE KEEPER/PUBLISHER (1 person) - records and publishes notes at CAT blog → Tate
C) TIME KEEPER (1 person) - sets meeting length of time and watches clock → Bari
D) AGENDA CREATOR (1 person) - writes out and shares agenda with CAT just prior to meeting → Tate


A) What CAT tasks have you accomplished to date? (use previous minutes)

  • Initial Interview with Kim
  • Discussed possible projects
  • Established 2 deliverables
  • Reached out to our other four contacts for interviews - have only heard back from one person so far - but are going to continue to reach out
  • Created our excellence checklist
  • Heard back from all of our follow up interviews
  • Planned out who is working on what for communications asset mapping report
  • Completed our communications asset report
  • Sent Kim Deliverable #2 and Budget Proposals
  • Heard back from Kim and established Deliverable #2: Internship Position + Infographic

B) What immediate and long-term CAT tasks lie ahead for the week, and who will execute?
  • Refine internship goals and management of it
  • Design and create infographic

C) What was the most CHALLENGING element re: the past week's CAT work?
  • Not hearing back from our main contact
  • Having to redesign our second deliverable
D) What was the most REWARDING element re: about the past week's CAT work?
  • Hearing back from Kim! (finally)

E) What is your CAT doing really well right now?
  • Communication among team members
  • Working together
  • Establishing common goals for the project
  • Assigning roles
  • Preparing for our projects due date
F) What is your CAT needing to work on right now?
  • Finalizing our ideas
  • Communication with CAT partner (NOFA)

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